How Did We Do? Your feedback will go a long way in helping us provide improved service in the future. Be assured your response will be guarded with the strictest confidence. I am a service recipient I am a provider My contact with Victim Services of Brant was: By Telephone In Person I visited the website My contact with Victim Services of Brant was: Within the last month Within the last year Over one year ago I became aware of Victim Services of Brant by: Police referral Self referral Other agency referral Victim Services of Brant staff treated me with sensitivity and respect:Agree54321Disagree0Victim Services of Brant staff listened to my concerns:Agree54321Disagree0Services provided helped me to make informed choices about my situation:Agree54321Disagree0After working with the Victim Services of Brant I have some new ideas about my safety options:Agree54321Disagree0Victim Services of Brant provided information about other resources that are available including how to access them:Agree54321Disagree0Would you like us to contact you to discuss your feedback? Yes No If yes, please enter your contact info (name & phone#)NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.